
Android, Apple, Google

It was quite obvious for some time that the late Steve Jobs had it out for Android. Google and Apple we're in multiple law suits about different things over the past years, and are still fighting them now. Steve Jobs seemed pretty serious about his hate for the contending smartphone OS. Even so much that there's a quote from his biography that goes a little something like, “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”

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Apple, iPad, iPhone

Landon Crabtree is a smart little fella. Apparently his family's house was recently burglarized and took off with his iPad and a few other valuable items. Landon wasn't going to stand for this. Even though the insurance money came through for the family, Landon took crime fighting into his own hands! The young 8-year old used Apple's Find my iPhone to recover his stolen iPad. But the findings didn't stop there...

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iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

Okay so we've heard about Apple looking into a rumored 7-inch iPad for release later this year, but this one is crazy. Apparently Apple is rumored to be working on some sort of 5-inch "phablet". if you don't know what a "phablet" is, it's too big to be a phone, but too small to be a tablet. We've recently seen something like this materialize from Samsung. Would Apple really take this route and copy Samsung? I thought it was the other way around...

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